the simple SMS authentication service
[COMPUTERIZED TRANSLATION] Hoax or canulards by e-mail, messages swell of neigne (28.06.07)
One of our customers, who had inopportunely reflected a hoax, was seen
answering this by called Mr. Eric R. His text reflecting perfectly
what we think about these problems, we allow ourselves to make you
share of it.

By principle, never transmit an alarmist message?ous the
people registered in your address book.

In the event
of true doubt?a r?ption of a message, ALWAYS consult the site
HoaxBuster ( In 99,999% of the cases, the
hoax which you do receive are D? known, it is d?it on their site, and
you will be immediately rassur?.
Contrary to the viruses which
exploit the faults of s?rit?e your computer, the hoaxes misent on your
cr?lit?our to be made diffuse. You do not let catch!

Last important point: If you must send you-m indeed? a true
message?lusieurs people diff?ntes, do you put the question if these
people will need to or not use between them the allowing button of '
If the r?nse is not, then do not reveal?ous winds
the addresses of your recipients. For the prot?r, do not place by
their addresses e-mail in the field ': ', nor in field ' DC: (Copy
certified) '. Place to them plut?dans the field ' CCI' (which means '
Copies carbons invisibles'. According to your software of transport,
it can that this field is masqu?par d?ut and that you must ask for his
posting, to be able to be used it). By placant your multiple addresses
in this field ' CCI', you will?terez to diffuse the addresses of each
the world.
But why should one?ter reveal all
the addresses, in our messages? Is Parce it pr?s?nt in the address
books and the lists of recipients of the messages Re? in the computers
' repugnant? that truths virus r?ltent the valid addresses e-mail and
exploit them to diffuse itself. If you send?0 people a mall containing
the addresses of all in ' clair', you multiply by 20 the risk that ALL
these addresses are soon collect? (at one or the other of your
friends, against his gr?pour to allow the virus to be propagated
him-m? or, sometimes, so that they are exploit? at the time of sending
of publicit?on d?r?(spam)... While wanting to inform your friends of
a?ntuel virus (creditable intention), you do not render service to
them, because you contribute?ugmenter the risk which they are victims
of the ' spamming'... eh yes!

Information source: Eric R.
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